The National Honor Society hosted a teddy bear toss and bake sale on Tuesday Feb. 4, at the boys game against Algoma. The proceeds benefit HELP of Door County, which is a nonprofit that provides free and confidential services for victims of domestic violence, as well as their family and friends.
NHS originally wanted to host a teddy bear toss before the holiday break, but bad weather forced them to reschedule. The idea behind the teddy bear toss was to provide teddy bears to a local organization that would help kids who might be going through something difficult.
“We hoped the teddy bears would be a bright spot for whoever receives them,” NHS secretary Tyler Grooters said.
To add extra excitement to the event, the tosser that hit closest to the target received a Culver’s gift basket. The group will be donating $300 and 48 stuffed animals. The FFA teamed up with NHS and is donating their proceeds from the concession stand that night too, which will bring the donation total to $500.
“We brought the idea to FFA to team up because we knew we could make a bigger impact with their help,” NHS adviser Mindi Vanderhoof said. “We are so thankful for their generosity.”
Representatives from NHS and FFA will travel to HELP of Door County to drop off their donation in the near future.
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