Sevastopol has its very own Shakespeare club. It came out of English teacher Mindi Vanderhoof’s love for the Bard. When her students groaned about reading Shakespeare’s Macbeth, she challenged them to join her, at the time, nonexistent Shakespeare club. It started as a joke, yet it quickly became real when 30 people showed up to the first meeting where members made Shakespeare masks, enjoyed “out-damned spot” cookies inspired by Macbeth, and drank poisonous potion inspired by Romeo and Juliet.
Vanderhoof was pleasantly surprised at the turnout.
“It has always been my dream to have a Shakespeare club,” adviser Mindi Vanderhoof said. “I think the kids thought I was joking when mentioning it, but they very quickly realized I was serious and we’ve had a lot of fun this year so far.”
Her goal has been to make Shakespeare fun and relevant for students.
The highlight of the year so far has been building a giant replica gingerbread house of the globe theater, which took over 20 boxes of graham crackers to construct.
“It was quite the experience and all of us had to learn how to work together to create the masterpiece,” Sienna Cain said.
Although during the building there my have been small arguments over how to construct the masterpiece, in the end students worked together over a few weeks to make it.
Eli Bell and Sladon Asher served as President and Vice President respectively. Since they both graduated early, the group is slated to vote on new officers next week.