In the heart of Wisconsin, amidst the day-to-day life of students, resides Kylie Sikkorsky, a vibrant student and multi-sport athlete from Sevastopol’s freshmen class.
“She is a light-hearted friend that laughs easily and a lot,” teacher Elizabeth Fahey said.
Sikkorsky is a member of the Door County Special Olympics basketball team, which competed in the state competition on April 15, 2024, and took fourth place.
This is not Kylie’s first occasion competing at the state level, considering her impressive averages in bowling that brought her to Special Olympics state bowling tournament. On Dec. 2, 2023, at Dales Weston Lanes, Sikkorsky placed first at the state bowling tournament with 117, 121, and 99 respectively. She enjoyed her experience and is happy with how she did.
“It felt amazing to be up there,” Sikkorsky said.
Sikkorsy is proud of being the only girl on the Door County Special Olympics bowling team.
“Being the only girl on the team makes winning way more awesome,” Sikkorsky said.
Sikkorsky has been bowling for two years. She enjoys the sport because it helps with stress relief.
Sikkorsky’s passion for bowling is evident to those around her.
“She is passionate about bowling. She truly loves the game and everything related to it,” Sevastopol occupational therapist Kelly Rankin said.